Student Services

Our goal is to provide the answers and resources to help make your son or daughter’s educational experience a positive one. If you ever have any questions about the services your child receives, or if you feel your child should be receiving services, please give us a call. We are always happy to help you.

Special Education Services

Converse County School District #2 is committed to providing quality services to meet the needs of children and youth with disabilities in our schools. This district serves students with disabilities each year by providing special education and related services to meet each child’s specific needs. Every school building has a team of highly qualified special educators and related service providers dedicated to improving outcomes for these students.

Children/youth In Transition

The Wyoming Department of Education has taken the initiative to remove the title of "Homeless" students and replace it with "Children/Youth in Transition". Converse County School District #2 recognizes that we have children/youth in transition in our area and this affects our students. The district also recognizes that children/youth in transition have the same rights to a free and appropriate public education as other school-age children, and we’re committed to ensuring we protect and honor those rights. Children/youth in transition may attend their school of origin or another school, depending upon the request of the parent or guardian and/or the best interests of the student. Converse #2 will not stigmatize or segregate these students based on their living situation. The district will provide children/youth in transition with transportation to/from school.

The McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Improvements Act defines the term "homeless children and youth" as those "who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence."

English Language Learners

Students who speak languages other than English make up a small but growing group of students in our schools. We identify ELL students through the Converse County School District #2’s home language survey which families complete when a student enrolls in our district. We test students who list languages other than English as a first or home language to identify their needs. Students who qualify for assistance receive in-class and/or one-on-one support to help them acquire English language skills.

Special Education

At Converse County Schools, we believe all kids can succeed. As part of our commitment to help all of our students reach their potential, we offer a top-notch special education program in all grades to identify and serve those students with special educational needs.

Working Together

Our special education team works with principals, teachers, parents, and students to coordinate the educational and other needs of students in the Converse County School District #2. Our specialized staff conducts evaluations and develops Individualized Education Plans (IEP) in compliance with state and federal laws. We deliver services that support the needs of each student in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE).

Learn more about the Wyoming State Performance Plan (SPP) for special education.