Food Services

Ala Carte Pricing

CCSD2 has applied and qualified for the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) under the National School Breakfast/Lunch Program for all buildings and grades.  We will be participating for the entire 2024-2025 school year. Qualifying for this new provision means that all K-12 students will be eligible for a free breakfast and lunch each school day.  Parents will not be required to complete a free and reduced application form.

On the side are all the breakfast and lunch prices for the ala carte items.  All the items are considered ala carte and must still be paid for, so keep in mind, you may still need to keep a balance in your student(s) account(s).  

Although this provision is a cost savings to parents, it does have a cost to the district.  We hope that through increased participation and other cost saving measures, we can minimize this potential increase in cost.  If at the conclusion of the trial period we find that CEP is beneficial to the district and parents, we can continue to participate for an additional three years. This means your student(s) will continue to eat for free and you will not have to complete a free and reduced application for these years.  Keep in mind, the district can discontinue this program at the end of any year if it is no longer beneficial, so the more students who eat the greater chance the program will continue.  Please encourage your students to eat the school breakfast and/or lunch so the program can be successful!!

E-Funds for Schools

E-Funds for Schools is a secure online payment system that simplifies payment, collection, and balancing of funds for school districts, enabling parents to pay fees and fund accounts quickly and easily online.

E-Funds for Schools

Request For Wellness Committee Participants

The district has a Health and Wellness committee due to mandates set forth in the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 by the USDA. We are asking you to consider participating in this committee. This group has the responsibility of reviewing, revising, and adding the new requirements to the current Health and Wellness policy. The wellness plan must consist of five components. The components are as follows:

  • Nutrition education

  • Physical activity

  • Nutrition standards for all foods available on each school campus during the school day

  • Other school-based activities designed to promote student wellness goals

  • Maintain a district Wellness Advisory council and monitor and review the policy

The law also states that school districts must permit teachers of physical education, school health professionals, parents, students, representatives of the school food authority, school board, school administrators, and the public to participate in developing these policies. If you or someone you know may have an interest in serving on this committee and represents one of the groups listed above, please contact Sarahbeth Hail, food service director, at (307) 436-7418.

Affordable Nutrition

All of our school campuses participate in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP). The NSLP is a federally assisted meal program that provides nutritionally balanced, low cost, or free meals to qualifying students. The food and beverages we sell or serve on our campuses meet the state and federal requirements, which are based on the USDA Dietary Guidelines. If you think your family may quality for meal benefits, please complete a Free and Reduced Meal application from our office. We accept applications throughout the school year.

We welcome your concerns, questions, and input on matters dealing with the USDA's National School Lunch Program. Feel free to contact Sarahbeth Hail, food service director, at (307) 436-7418.